Fruit Tray - Rough Study
by Vivian Anderson
Fruit Tray - Rough Study
Vivian Anderson
Painting - Fruit Tray Study O/c Painting
CONTEST - PAINTINGS OF FRUIT, 14/07/24.........................................
Fruit Tray - Rough Study, by VIVA Anderson, is my oil on canvas quick study,full of painterly marks,made 'in the moment'..a semi-abstract. I rather like this style and the detailed brushwork thanks to a good photo/capture of the Art. Enjoy.........
May 2nd, 2018
Comments (24)
VIVA Anderson
Janis, you are so supportive. Thank you for Featuring this in our group: Just Perfect.........VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Madalena, you are so kind, and, thank you so much for the feature in our group: Women Painters........VIVA
Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!!. Women Painters has featured your artwork. Great work. Love the colours and composition!! F
Anand Swaroop Manchiraju
Love love this emotional abstract work! It is so beautiful ,and i love the color combinations and textures too. L/F
Laurie Cairone
Love this, VIVA! To me, I hear a beautiful symphony playing with the detail of each brush stroke! Beautiful!!
Lenore Senior
I love this and the idea of it and that it's okay not to be "finished." Like imperfection is the new perfect! Instant v/f!!
Vivian Anderson replied:
Thanks, Lenore. I like what you say, it affirms me and gives me courage...VIVA
Betty Pieper
Less is more...This clearly indicates your skill as well as judgement and talent. Love it. Favorite, too.
VIVA Anderson
Mona, so generous towards me today, and I thank you so much .. and for your favoriting my Fruit Tray painting.......VIVA