Sea Treasures
by VIVA Anderson
Sea Treasures
VIVA Anderson
Photograph - Jewelry Photography
contest: A SPLASH OF GREEN ,Mar.2/24........................................................
Sea Treasures, isolation art photography, by VIVA Anderson. Creativity satisfied, against the odds of isolation/covid, by treasuring my Sea Treasures, to share. Here the beautiful hues of the sea, captured in stones from the source. Enjoy. Restful colors for this churning soul to relieve this isolation.It is rather a pretty, decorative artwork, m'thinks.
July 25th, 2021
Comments (26)
VIVA Anderson
Dear Diamante, Thank you SO much for the wonderful Feature in Emotive Art group, I am honoured, :))VIVA
Jenny Revitz Soper
BRAVO! Your artwork has earned a FEATURE on the homepage of The Artists Group, 8/01/2021! You may also post it in the Group's Features discussion thread and any other thread that fits!
VIVA Anderson
Dear Jenny, Thank you so much for the wonderful Feature in THE ARTISTS GROUP, :)) VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Dear FrozenInTimePhotography, Thank You SO much for the Feature in YOUR VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHY group....I'm so thrilled !!.......VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Karen, thank you so very much for the Feature in Lady photographers and artists group 🙏VIVA
Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your beautiful artistic work is Featured on the home page of the "Bedroom Art Gallery" group. 7/25/21 l/f
VIVA Anderson
Dear Lyric, Thank you again today for another wonderful Feature in BEDROOM ART GALLERY group, :))VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Nader, Thank You So Much for the Feature in Fine Art America Professionals group, :))VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Thank you, dear Jolanta.....desperate times call for desperate measures, and, for me, I sought 'calm' here expressed, and so beautiful your elegant compliment/understanding, as always! :))VIVA
Jolanta Anna Karolska
Love this artwork, has to be elegant simplicity with soothing hues..wonderful creativity, Viva xx f.l.
John Van Decker
From someone who loves the beach, I immediately thought of sea glass, VIVA! A perfect necklace and memory of the shore. L/F
VIVA Anderson replied:
John, I am so touched by your beautiful thoughts, especially,sigh,I'm sooo 'locked in' here now. I'm so proud YOU know and share this moment ....Thank You So Much, VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Dear Lenore, Thank you so much for the Feature of this my lament in OUR WORLD GALLERY, 🙏VIVA