My Sydney-2022
by VIVA Anderson
My Sydney-2022
VIVA Anderson
Photograph - Sydney Skyline-wide-format
3rd Pl tie….CONTEST::ARTISTIC BUILDINGS/13/09/23.......................................................
MY SYDNEY-2022, abstracted pano photo by VIVA Anderson, in wide format/panorama design, celebrating my Sydney: her beautiful, now enhanced, stylized, skyline, which (was) the view from our apt.....This was a big adventure for me, to capture My Sydney, now, before our view was built out recently...Fond memories!!! Of course, I took a few 'liberties' to enhance her brilliance!
Enjoy ~ (not: A.l )
July 31st, 2022
Comments (28)
VIVA Anderson
Thank you kindly, Will. I'm honoured by your lovely thoughts, and wonderful support,f/l............:)) VIVA
Will Borden
Hi VIVA~~A striking Sydney, Australia abstract cityscape and panorama design! Colorful, upbeat & eye-catching!! Fine work, Will...!! F&L
VIVA Anderson
Thank you, Kevin......I just go so lost in 'process',!! Glad you like this 'artistic'/building......:))VIVA
Kevin Lane
This is an Exceptional capture Viva, Congratulations on your 3rd place win in Artistic Buildings contest !!! L/F Voted
Taphath Foose
CONGRATULATIONS on your THIRD PLACE tied-win in the Artistic Buildings contest!!! Great work, VIVA!! :)
VIVA Anderson replied:
Thank you, Taphath. What a thrill!🙏. Great contest,, Congrats ALL, too. 🙏VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Thank you, Robert:::::::"Robert BalesPosted Today at 07:58 AMOutstanding processing to get this outstanding city pano!! Fav." :)))VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Thank you, Michael VanPatten for this honoured Feature in INTERPRETIVE ART IMAGING group, :)VIVA
VIVA Anderson
Kathy, Thank You for this honoured Feature in ABSTRACT FROM PHOTOGRAPH group, :)))VIVA
Alex Lapidus
Congratulations, your image has been featured in the Experimental Photography group -- thanks for sharing it with us! Please feel free to add it to the 2022 Feature Archive in the Discussion section (using the "embed" link on your image page).
VIVA Anderson
HolyMoley, C J, , thank you for the honoured Home Page Feature iN WideFormatPhotograph group, 🙏VIVA
VIVA Anderson
“MY Sydney” , an interpretive Artwork, for my love of my city, my life, here, memorialise ‘the view’, obscured now.
Meg Shearer
I love your Sydney! Beautiful work Vivian!
VIVA Anderson replied:
Dear Meg, so appreciate your always thoughtful support, especially. TYSM, VIVA 🙏